
(The Key to Success Framework)

A workforce mindset

Knowledge, skills & experience are important BUT it is mindset that drives us when times get tough, unlocks the willingness to consider opportunities & to proactively contribute. 

It started with a simple question back in 2011 …

Why are some people successful and others not when faced with the same circumstances?

Our research into success lead us to identify nine key elements, their sequence and interaction. The Key to Success (K2S®) framework was born and has subsequently been used across a variety of organisations to create common points of reference, thinking and language across employees. 

The right mindset creates the willingness & passion for people to contribute to their full potential.


The K2S® framework

Nine critical inter-related elements to create a conscious mindset for success & contribution


A mindset that seeks understanding & clarity knowing this will accelerate the journey to a successful outcome.


A mindset that always maintains momentum by diagnosing & overcoming obstacles with solutions.


A mindset that seeks ways to add ever-greater value & proactively support others goals. 


A mindset that is outcome focused rather than being driven by just undertaking tasks. 


A mindset that engages with others through commonality of thinking, language & reference points.